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Prose ‘n’ Poetry (2) Leaving Laura
by Dill Carver

Jason Minty and I discussed possible ideas for starting a new plot: We wanted a plot that could involve a wide range of members, both Poets and Story writers.

The objective is to have some fun. The idea was to present the short story writers with an assignment or challenge – that would hopefully supply the poet with some ready-made inspiration

The ‘Prose ‘n’ Poetry’ plot has two distinct phases   

Firstly a Story writer is invited to create a short cameo piece of fiction or a complete ‘flash fiction’ story in no more than 400 words (Please!) – The emphasis of the storyline is extreme human drama or emotional dilemma.

Poets are then invited write a piece from within that melodrama – using the short story above as motivation or inspiration for a (free format) poem – reflecting any aspect or sentiment of the situation portrayed within the drama or from the perspective of any of the characters involved.

To get this to run properly we need each new short to head up a new plot (under same general heading) but any number of poems can be posted beneath each story.

We have started with four simultaneous Prose ‘n’ Poetry plots – hopefully four writers will chip in with a ‘header’ story. If more than four writers want to contribute we can create more headers once number four header has a story posted. – Give it a go! – Cheers, Clive & Jason.

Title: Leaving Laura
Author: Dillidge Carver

The sun shook its cotton cloud cover and light washed into room like it had been spilled from a bucket. Matthew's gaze was drawn to the window, seeing a pair of young rabbits playing forced a smile. The sun had warmed their fur and feeling the sweet spring grass beneath their paws; they pranced and cavorted with joy for life itself.

He was still smiling as he looked back towards the bed. She lay there asleep, Laura, his wife ... Laura his love.

The sunlight warmed her skin, giving it colour, throwing highlights and shade into the fiery mass of auburn curls that framed her face.

Laura his love. He reached out and touched her hair, remembering when they met. It wasn't love at first sight, as it had seemed with one or two of his previous affairs. This was a slow burn. She had caught his eye, they smouldered. They parted... he'd walked away.

But she'd left a hook in, and he needed to know more. His heartbeat quickened, realizing that he wanted to know everything., and he'd returned not knowing if she'd still be there, but found her waiting... expecting him.

The love grew rapidly, solidly. Marriage followed and the children arrived. None of it planned or questioned, it all fell into place before them, following a natural path.

He didn't know if dwelling upon their life was going to help him to leave her, or make it harder.

Slender, manicured fingers curled around the door, holding it for a few seconds before it opened just enough for her to slip inside. Susan gave a quick nervous glance towards her sleeping sister and whispered "are you ready Matt?" She extended her hand, he took it.

And so he left Laura, his love, stealing one last look before shutting the door gently behind him.

As Matt and Susan passed out of the building, the staff in the reception averted their gaze and lowered their voices.

Outside he saw Shaun holding hands with the children. The boy aimlessly screwing his toecap into the gravel path, the girl, transfixed by the rabbits on the lawn. Shaun threw Susan a sorrowful look and the children ran towards Matthew. He saw flashes of Laura in their faces and scooped them up into his arms. The girl looked over his shoulder towards the empty doorway and asked;

"Is mummy... sleeping forever?"

Matthew had practiced this moment all morning yet the rising emotion robbed him of the ability to speak.


Title: Life goes on
Author: Jason Minty

Life goes on, no matter what we do.
Our life will go on with or without you.
You couldn't come with us;
we had to walk away.
You wouldn't wake, we begged you;
we could no longer stay.

Life goes on, the choice not ours to make.
Our life will go on, we left for livings sake.
You couldn't break free;
we had to walk away.
You couldn't knock the habit;
we could no longer stay.

Life goes on, it hurts, but that's our lot.
Our life will carry on,
although now it feels like not.
We had to walk away;
tell me what else could we do?
We had to walk away my love
and say goodbye to you.

Title: Walk Don't Run
Author: Tanya Withers

O.K. , steal away, you patronising shit
Things got tough, life felt rough,
I couldn't play the game.
In hushed tones, all I hear
are your complaints about me.
Your words are true, unlike you
Your two-facedness astounds me.
Hypocrits take narrow paths
Let's see where yours will lead you
The kids need time and love and care
And who the hell will feed you?
Too right I'm down; I'm way down here
But watching you leave lends me no fear.
Should I now ask to talk?
I don't really think so. Tell you what
Mister Big,
No need to run, just walk.

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