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Spring into Action
by writebuzz schools

This is a short-story writing Plot Thickens.

Group participants should each write a section of a story so that it fits together like a jigsaw.

The theme of the story is Spring into Action.

The idea is that a group of friends decide that they should help people in their neighbourhood by doing jobs for them.

They call their scheme Spring into Action as their plan is to advertise their idea now and then put into action in their Spring break.

What adventures will they encounter?

Will it all go according to plan?

It's up to you!

Title: Good Idea!
Author: writebuzz schools

'Good idea' they all agreed in unison.

Spring into Action was a good name and a good cause!

All they needed to do now was to start making plans about how they'd go about it.

There were safety considerations to think about - both their own - and that of the people they were helping!

Not that they anticipated doing anything that could cause an accident. Far from it. But risks had to be considered ...

So, their first job was a Risk Assessment. Hmmm.

Where to start?

writebuzz®... the word is out!