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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jan Miklaszewicz

Title: One night's hard drinking (to all you lazy devils out there who only send in polished work).

Minimum stain, maximum vain;

hard up against the edge of an invisible pain.

Evaluate your options girl, it can't be clearer.

You'll dive a thousand fathoms but you won't get nearer.

Women grown on what's been shown

on television adverts.  Can you scale that throne?

Have you bought into the message that your tits are small;

that your face is rotting; that you need it all?

Find someone who loves you, they won't give a damn.

Recover your respect, evaporate the sham.


Minimum life, maximum strife.

Hard up against the blade of an invisible knife.

Lease yourself to Mammon but you won't get credit.

Make no excuses for your life, it's you who led it.

Men been made by what's displayed

on television adverts.  Aren't you mortal ashamed?

Have you bought into the message that your girl won't come;

that your fridge is empty; that your work's not done?

Find someone to love you, they won't give a shit.

Inter your frail self and take a hammer to it.


Minimum wage, maximum rage.

Hard up against the bars of an invisible cage.

Prostitute my principles, there's not much to it.

I want to love the construct but I just can't do it.

Fuck the screen and fuck the show;

the television adverts and the falsehood they grow.

Have I bought into the message that my hair don't shine;

that my teeth ain't white; that the fault is mine?

Love yourself completely, yes, or lose your soul.

Don't spill your sorry self into a bottomless bowl.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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