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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Claire Askew

Title: Rainbow

Yesterday I was a rainbow I was sky
high I was sky-wide I'm hardened I
show my colours and then I
fade everyone wants the
pot of gold but you can't have me
without the rain it doesn't work like that.
You brought the clouds across and now
I can't shine there will be no splintered
sunlight reaches me now there will
be no spectrum-glow no light show.
You are my teardrop prism
smashed you threw my colours
away my picture-perfect gorgeous
grin you never appreciated real art
anyway not the kind that matters.
And I hit earth-shock a messed
up misprint I hunger for your
sky but it has gone dark now and I
should have known it was never
going to be blue.
I would never have shown up
to you you see you never
really saw me. You kept me
monochrome because I outshone
you my colour overtook your hue
and you didn't understand you'd never
wanted to be the man who held
a rainbow in his hand anyway.
It was grand while it lasted and I can
make sense of your weakness and
maybe one day I'll shine for you
again come out of your
darkroom someday baby.
I will lie in puddles meanwhile and slide
down waterfalls and maybe I'll go
out and catch a star and shine again
I've got time I think
I'll save myself for a rainy day.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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