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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Bella Fortuna

Title: "Karmic Debt"

Long ago, when I was young
I searched for fortune and fame.
I was blessed with many talents
And life seemed like a game.

The skies were blue and cloudless,
The sun shone all day long -
My heart was full of gladness
And I sang my joyful song.

One day I met a special girl,
Gentle green were her eyes.
I told her how she'd pierced my heart,
I wasn't telling lies.

I told her how we'd never part.
I meant every word I said
But fortune invited me to lunch
And success came as read.

I didn't mean to forget her name,
Nor to forget her eyes.
I didn't intend to change at all
But fame told me such lies.

I believed that I could have it all -
Success, and love so true.
In the end I realised
That the one I loved was you.

I am so much older now -
In my dreams you visit me.
Despite success, fortune and fame
Your sad eyes reproach me.

With the wisdom of added years
I'd gladly wind back time;
Pay karmic debt to the green-eyed girl
And make her fully mine.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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