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  You are @ HomeAdults Lyrics


Source: Adults

Author: Barry Gee

Title: One of Those Days.

The bulb's blown in the kitchen

The wife is still in bed

You need someone to blame and she's still sleeping

There's no sound from the children

You're hoping that they're dead

You hate them both and the company they're keeping.


One of those days

It's gonna be one of those days

Just wait and see

One of those days

It's gonna be one of those days

Just wait and see.

Of course there is no coffee

Just coffee substitute

It smells just like a Vick inhaler vapour.

There's no fresh milk, just powder

There's egg-stains on your suit

Your razor's blunt and there's no toilet paper.

Chorus: One of those days etc.

The cat's gone on the carpet

You've spread it all about

You're feeling old but you don't grow no wiser

The aspirin bottle's empty

You try and lick it out

You'd give your left arm for some tranquilliser.

One of those days

It's gonna be one of those days

Just wait and see

One of those days

It's gonna be one of those days

Just wait and see.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Lyrics

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