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  You are @ HomeYoungstersPoetry


Source: Youngsters, Adults

Author: Laura Watson

Title: What has happened to our world?

What has happened to our world?

Back in the 60’s the world seemed so perfect

Not even an acorn you could correct

The world was full of colour and peace

There was hardly anything for the police

Now we’ve stepped into a world of rubble

Every corner I turn now leads to trouble

The sky dark grey with smoke and ash

The world has changed in just one flash

People Crying

Children dieing

Hearts are pounding

Explosives sounding

Clouds of smoke fill the air

Babies stripped bare

War taking lives

People carry knives

Blood spilt from open veins

People held captive in iron chains

Countries now in conflict

Kittens drowned and puppies kicked

God’s punishing hands make the innocent suffer

Living in peace now gets tougher

Small lungs now choke and splutter

Young bones left in the gutter

Lives tortured in bitter winters or liquid sun

If only there were ways for this to be undone

The world we live and love a total swirl

What has become of our world?

Tears fall when it comes to the end

All we can do now is keep close to our friend

To stop the fact of dieing alone

And say goodbye to our world, our home.

Published on writebuzz®: Youngsters Adults > Poetry

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