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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Tanya Withers

Title: Friday Night

We were all there; it would be wrong to say without a care
Because most of us did. Friday night and we should feel all right
Right? So go, dress to impress, put on your slap, join the cattle, cut the crap
And pose. Do you suppose it’s worth it? Not sure. But sure is odd being
Ogled by some silly sods without brains. Not their fault, I’m on parade
With the rest. Quite a few past their best and still flaunting what they have
Or have not, seems some clothes have been forgot as so much flesh is bare
Smells of despair. A bald fat geezer over there is giving me the eye. Why
Me? I’m with a crowd you see. We’re dancing. He’s prancing over. Over
Done the man’s perfume. My God it stinks and there’s no room to escape
Here comes his mate. Hanging belly, gross tattoos, nose pierced, ear
Stud .. he thinks he is! Can you believe it? Need to get rid. I’m out.
Need to shout. The others don’t appear to hear. See my best mate
nuzzling his ear. My God, he’s such a frog but he’s in. What a din
Pounding and confounding. They’re gyrating. No berating, but I’m off
You should scoff. It’s Friday night. We should feel alright. They seem to
But I don’t

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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