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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Robert Henry

Title: The Unknown Hero

My son died with a gun in his hand
And with fear in his eyes my son died.

Just seventeen
In childhood dreams
When they sent him to his grave
He asked me why
A man must die
Before they call him brave.
How can they talk of honour
As a comfort and a cure
To the widowed, to the grieving
To the crippled, to the poor?

My son died with a gun in his hand
And with fear in his eyes my son died.

It's time to fight for freedom
And Liberty for all
The General cries the same old lies
Hear the battle call.
But a man will always be the slave
Of the man who calls the tune
Pied Piper leads you to the grave
But promises the moon.

My son died with a gun in his hand
And with fear in his eyes my son died.

They dug a trench
Ten yards long
In the dusty battle grey
Face in the mud
Drenched in blood
The dead boys bodies lay.

Funny how I remember still
The baby in my arms
Now with his graveyard lover
Wooed by the battle charms
Do they close the gates of heaven
To a boy who died in vain?
Are we doomed to watch this tragedy
Keep spinning round again?

My son died with a gun in his hand
And with fear in his eyes my son died.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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