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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: BeccaD

Title: I am Fear

I am the shaddows on the wall
I am the adrenalin in your vains
I am the dark and lonely road
I am the stranger looking strange

I am the claustrophic room
I am the drop from a height
I am the crowded shopping mall
I am the bumpy turbulent flight

I am the fist that knock you down
I am the sharpness of a knife
I am the bullet in the gun
I am the killer that takes a life

I am the growling, snarling dog
I am the spiders and the snakes
I am the deep end of a swimming pool
I am the oceans and the lakes

I am the anticipation of death
I am the loss of someone close
I am the lonely in lonliness
I am the haunting ghost

I am the bully in the playground
I am the aggresive angry thug
I am the jealous abusive partner
I am the deadly addictive drug

I am the aging of your body
I am the wrinkles in your skin
I am the vanity and the pride
I am the devil deep within

I am the knocking of your confidence
I am the partner that lets you down
I am the extra-marital love affair
I am the talk of the town

I am the noises in the night
I am the thoughts that are in your mind
I am the rejection from achievement
I am discrimination in human-kind

I am the eternal pesimist
I am the one that got away
I am the comitment phobic
I am the one who may not stay

I am Fear

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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