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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jan Miklaszewicz

Title: A vision from Hell.

Hi writebuzzers. The following is a true story from today's Times newspaper.

It came thru Dewana in the dark of the night,
having wheezed out of Delhi at ten.
The Samjhauta Express, with two carriages blazing,
screamed to a halt at the bend.
And the windows protected by thick iron bars;
the doors all locked from the inside.
And Vinod Kumar Gupta told Zahid Hussain
it was just like a vision from Hell.

'Two suitcases packed with kerosene and explosives,
detonated by a timer'
they said.
The explosions alone were not deadly
but in minutes the fire had spread.
And the passsengers trapped, and the passengers torched,
searing plastic and fabric and flesh.
Rows of white teeth shrieked from corpses of coal:
it was just like a vision from Hell.

Some think it was Islamic militants trying
to derail the process of peace.
Others lay blame upon Hindu extremists:
none of this can bring back the deceased.
And Musarrat Bibi wails 'Where is my son?'
and sixty-seven lie dead in the morgue.
With thirty too blackened to be recognised
it was just like a vision from Hell.

Both India and Pakistan cry condemnation
(and both possess nuclear arms).
But Musharaff says 'We will not allow saboteurs
to succeed in their nefarious designs.'

At least two thousand have died since two thousand and five,
and not one of them part of the peace talks:
just the innocent victims of terrorist acts.
It was just like a vision from Hell.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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