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  You are @ HomeAdults Buzz book

Buzz book

Source: Adults

Author: Hugh Hazelton

Title: Falling ...

It was a bit like in that film 'Prime' I suppose. 'Cept it happened ten years ago. I was 'customer reception' at that exhaust centre which took over the old Pilot cinema for a time, and Jamie came to work there doing the parts bins. Twenty, just been kicked out by his step-dad, and me thirty-six! I was a bottle blonde even then, although back then my most obvious assets were a bit more gravity defiant!

He had this sweet innocence about him. Quite shy with an honest niceness if you follow me? And I guess in a way it was that which just so annoyed me! I was fed up with my then partner Mike's constant cheating and wanted to hit back at him, fed up with my lousy job in that horrible place, fed up with my whole life really. And so for totally the wrong, bad reasons I went for it. Came onto him real strong right from his very first day! The poor boy stood no chance!

Well, we certainly enjoyed one another as people as I believe the expression goes, until a couple of months in something very unexpected happened. It was a wet Sunday in April, and I'd gone round to his bedsit. It was pretty awful. We'd gone to bed - it was an old divan with a vaguely niffy duvet on it the particular aroma of which I can still recall - and we're lying tangled up like a pair of purring kittens in a basket following our third good shag of the day when all of a sudden he just spits it out:

“Gemma, I have to tell you this. I think I'm falling in love.”

For a moment I'm gobsmacked! Outside the rain is blattering harder than ever against the leaky old sash window. Heavy beat music is thumping away from somewhere on the floor above. And then I realise it too. “Yeah, you're not the only one!”

So I dumped Mike once and for all, got myself a new flat, and eight weeks later me and Jamie wed! The fitters from the exhaust centre all came and gave us a crystal glass punch bowl and a microwave oven. And at the very last minute Jamie's mum agreed to come to the ceremony. And then just to really top everything I fell pregnant with Katie on honeymoon! I'd all but given up hope of having kids by then, so maybe falling in love improves your fertility too!

And now? Ten years on we're a happy, loving, contented family of three. I supported us so's Jamie could go through college. Katie was little then, so it wasn't an easy time. But we got through it and he's a qualified mechanic now. And me and Jamie and a sixteen year age gap? Hand in hand we're still falling! It's been an amazing journey. And d'you know what? It's still continuing and I don't ever want to stop!

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