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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: BeccaD

Title: Baby and I

You were brought into this world
with the very best of intentions
But now you're here, it's harder work
Which everybody mentions
You're a cosy bundle of 'I told you so's'
a reminder of 'opportunities missed'
Yet I wouldn't swap the world for you
As I nursed you and cuddled and kissed

I'll always suffer at the judgment of people
for being a teenage Mother
But we'll ignore the comments and prove them wrong
the critics, the cynics and other
I've not planned the best of starts in life
but together we'll make our way
Daddy couldn't face the challenge with us
but, you'll get to meet him some day

I'll be a Mum you can be proud of
a real life inspiration
I'll work hard to turn this around for us
You have my full un-divided attention
With a chiche to be broken
and a stereotype to defy
We'll enjoy our life together
just my baby and I

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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