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Source: Youngsters, Adults

Author: Jools Coggon

Title: Toxicity

"In the past two decades medical researchers have come to suspect that various combinations of factors give rise to lymphoma -- a weakened immune system, exposure to certain kinds of chemicals, and perhaps exposure to one or more viruses. Studies seem to implicate one particular class of chemicals -- chlorophenols. Chlorophenols are chlorine-containing chemicals that include dioxins, PCBs, DDT, and the so-called "phenoxy herbicides," including the weed killers 2,4,5-T, and 2,4-D. This last one is the most popular crabgrass and dandelion killer in America, sold as Weed-B-Gone, Weedone, Miracle, Demise, Lawn-Keep, Raid Weed Killer, Plantgard, Hormotox, and Ded-Weed, among other trademarked names." Source: Cancer Report :Toxic Chemical Pesticides Cause Cancer: #726

Toxic land, toxic place
toxic, bland, expressionless face
Those who spray toxic dilutions
kill the weeds, that’s their compulsion;
their lazy, throw-away solution
to life, and to death.
Dead grass, dead fields, dead paths;
hear their contaminated laugh.
Their tiny minds don’t comprehend
that toxicity that sees the end
of all.
Is the end to all.
Watch them still walk tall
as life around them falls.
Neighbourly, they think,
to douse the weeds near you
and those who praise them
as they do, praise their mindless
destruction too.
You can’t breathe?
Can you perceive why?
Inhale the toxic sky.
Ingest the toxins as you walk.
Chew the toxins as you talk.
Nice one.
The weeds have gone.
Regale the parched dead clumps
of death
or hold your breath
and never move
The future’s nearer than you think;
polluted land
bereft of life.
Their fault, their making,
short-cut, no mistaking
the easy trail to toxic disease,
as they continue as they please.
Their tiny minds don’t compound
their toxic air, their toxic ground;
their toxic pollution that surrounds
us all.
They have heard every word
but watch them still, as they spray
and their malignancy has its day
Wanton destruction in your face.
Their evil toxins leave a trace
that you will swallow,
and your child, and pet;
hidden source of dire onset.
Hold your breath or
never move

Published on writebuzz®: Youngsters Adults > Poetry

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