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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: BeccaD

Title: The Show Must Go On

I toured the theatres all over the place,
my name is Puppet Pete.
I lived a starry high life,
with famous stars to greet.

I talked, I walked, I sang and danced,
well, my Master helped me to.
Crowds applauded in standing ovation,
until time made way for the new.

I was a popular puppet,
painted bright with matching clothes,
who always pleased an audience,
wherever we performed our shows.

With strings all tied together,
and my chipped paint notices now,
my joints are pretty squeaky,
when I try to take my bow.

Now I'm left all on my own,
while I hear the audience cheer,
the replacement that's taken over my life,
who drinks a 'gottle of geer'

My replacement is everything I used to be,
everything and more,
a singing dancing copycat,
of who I was before.

...but Dear Master if your puppet leaves
for a brighter starry end.
Don't come back to fix me,
some things are just not meant to mend.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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