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  You are @ HomeAdults Stories & Scripts

Stories & Scripts

Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Graffiti is Art .

The majority of dictionary definitions describe graffiti as being any inscription , writing , or drawing , portrayed on a publicly viewable surface ; often contentious , controversial , or obscene .

The same dictionarys define art as being the exercise of human imaginative skill as applied to representations of the natural world expressed through figments of the imagination .

The contentious issue here is whether or not graffiti can be classified as an art form . Graffiti , by it's nature , is inherently controversial , but nevertheless it is a basic form of artful expression .

Some types of art are also controversial , and do in fact have their generic origins and styles based within graffiti .

Therefore , graffiti can be percieved as an art form ; or , conversely , and contentiously , are all genres of art just refined forms of graffiti ?

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