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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Lost in Londis .

Started out ok ,
became a fuckin' odyssey ,
of epic proportions .
Gettin' across town that is .
To go see a friend , via my angry and discontented girlfriend .
Self-ejected voluntarily , only hours ago .
Searching for the connection on the back of the dvd player ,
the one where you plug in the usb thingymajig
so as the download torrent stream
wouldn't need to be compressed .
And she lost it , started screaming at me ,
amidst the conversion of old video files ,
like in a woozy dream ,
the worst aspect of the nouveau attitude
of the new-age petty bourgoisie .

Angry girlfriend was totally convinced
that it was my fault entirely .
Thats what she said , in betwen texting and cursing .
But it 'aint so bad ,
a fly blown kiss from golden teeth glittering
and off out the fuckin' door .
First stop , the Londis shop ,
to buy totally unneeded and frivolous items ,
like Starbursts and Gallipos ,
the nightmares of committed frugivores .
The stormtrooper clone at the checkout
did that well practiced slight of hand thing
and blatently overcharged me .
So I had to go back in and remonstrate volubly ,
just to get me fuckin' money back .
And he's goin' wot you on about ?
And I'm like just reimburse me you wanker ,
all slangy and sly ,
out the side of my mouth .
And the atmosphere changed ,
the queue were witnesses ,
he acted all innocent in the face of confrontation .

So I got what I wanted .
You have to careful in these times
of great financial crisis .
Every penny counts .
Isn't it amazing ?
There's always something more than what
you went in for in the first place .
I ended up buying two for one
multipacks of aaa batteries ,
auto-suggestion led me astray .
But they'll come in handy ,
slowly discharging ,
one of these fine days .

And I got distracted ,
like you inevitably do on occasion .
I was watching this strapping young lad
who looked like a wannabe from the X-Factor
over in the beauty products section .
Perusing the moisturisers
and the cracked-heel lotions
and something called Dulcoease , for God's sake .
He was armed with two mineral waters ,
I saw him eventually chose Nivea .
Cheap option .
Cheap bastard .
Probably an art student
with an evaporating grant and big ideas .
And he had strategically ripped and faded jeans on ,
with a womans big wide disco belt
that hung at a rakish angle
over his snake man hips .
Flaunting his three day stubble
and puckering his no botox here lips .
And I had to do a double take right then .
I mean ,
what the fuck is it about moisturisers
and big grown men ?

So after all that shenanigans
I gave up the ghost .
Went back to my place ,
couldn't be bothered with the girlfriend ,
switched off me phone .
And that's where I am now .
Washed .
Fed .
Watered .
Writing .
Alone .
No body .
No thing .
Watching my thoughts unravel onto the pc screen .
Like streams of invisible string .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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