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  You are @ HomeYoungstersPoetry


Source: Youngsters, Adults

Author: Alexander M

Title: One eye blind

Children screaming, their little chests filled with terror

Parents killed, the tragic scar aches forever.

Famine reeks havoc on their lives

And for assurance in adversity they strive. 

The poor motherless baby, torn by death

And even she is drawing her last breath.

All men and all women across the world

Donate, help and pray, their altruism finally unfurled.

But where were they when mother Afrika could not feed her babies?

Where were they when the sickness of their minds poisoned youthful bodies?

Suddenly now you care, because now you understand

The Hell of natures fearful hand.

You feel the pain of those surviving few

Just because disaster rained death upon life you knew. 

Published on writebuzz®: Youngsters Adults > Poetry

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