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  You are @ HomeAdults Lyrics


Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: Celebrity

(Apologies to:-
(“These are a few of my Favourite Things”)

`A` list `celebrities` seen on TV,
All emulated by those on list `B`,
dressed in their finery, putting on airs,
how did they get there and whatsmore who cares?

Some are legends, some are leg-ends
some may seem sincere.
Sportsmen & models, have one hour of fame
And then they all dis-a-ppear!

Pop stars whose diction can never be heard,
footballing idols who mutter their words,
TV presenters all aiming to please,
keeping their cool with self seeking M.P.s.

Some are legends, some are leg-ends
some may seem sincere.
Chefs & designers have one hour of fame
And then they all dis-a-ppear!

Jungle `celebrities`, bush tucker trials,
skaters & dancers & most without style,
more on Big Brother, all `resting` it seems,
why not cash in on celebrity dreams!

Some are legends, some are leg-ends
some may seem sincere.
Comics & actors, have one hour of fame
and then they all dis-a-ppear!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Lyrics

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