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joan crawford
Fairy Finances
(4.) Queen Mab went into overdraft She’d run out of resources, she’d been off to the races and bet on sluggish horses. She poured herself a hefty dram then into town she flew to visit banker, Penny Royal, and see what she could do. Penny Royal sipped chamomile while looking quite impassive and then she pointed out to Mab “Your overdraft is massive!” “Stop gambling in casinos and placing dubious bets try to think of other ways of settling your debts” Fairy Thyme could not oblige she didn’t own a mint. while fairy Coriander confessed she too was skint. Geranium and Lavender along with Rosemary couldn’t help her either, they’d had a spending spree. Chervil, Dill and Basil ,Borage, Chives and Rue said they’d love to fund her but they were hard up too. Back at home in Dingly Dell Queen Mab was feeling vexed, if she could not pay off her debts what would befall her next? Titania heard of Queen Mab`s plight and from her wishing well she took some shiny silver coins to send to Dingly Dell. Oberon took the money round to Mab, there in her grotto, she bought them both some moonshine and spent the rest on Lotto. Luck was on Mab`s side that night. anticipation manic her Lotto numbers tallied, her winnings were titanic. Debts were paid and solvency gave rise to much elation and all the woodland fairies joined in the celebrations. Titania’s health was toasted as she stood there alone for Oberon was legless and fast asleep at home.. No more tips from Penny Royal Good Fortune’s turned the tables and Penny’s now receiving tips Direct from Mab’s new stables.
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> Poetry