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  You are @ HomeAdults Chuckle Buzz

Chuckle Buzz

Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: Musical Chaairs

(Part 2.)

Faith has now deserted Paul,
she`s sought a new amour,
she`s caring for her neighbour, Jack,
the beefcake from next door.
Jack was so despondent
when Jill, his wife, absconded
but he and Faith seem settled now,
the two of them have bonded.

Their houses can`t be sold yet
because of this recession,
the money situation`s tight
with deepening depression.
So Paul now has a lodger,
her name is Norma Jean,
she`ll pay towards the mortgage
and `help` behind the scenes.

Jack has spotted Norma Jean,
she lies there in the sun,
he re-directs the hosepipe
and turns the pressure on.
Norma Jean is not amused
she pulls him to the ground,
they wrestle just as Faith appears,
on tiptoe, not a sound.

Faith now runs and fetches Paul
who rushes to attack.
so he and Faith are back once more
and Norma Jean`s with Jack.
But time and tide move on apace
And Norma Jean is gone
now errant Jill is home again
they`re all back at square one.


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