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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: Head Over Heels

Bradley Part 2

Along the main New road one day
my thoughts, as usual far away
when suddenly I felt a jolt,
my bike came to a sudden halt,
amid the lorries, vans and cars
I flew off o`er my handle-bars.
After seconds skyward bound
I plummeted towards the ground
and noticed as I still sat there
my bike was bust, beyond repair.
So I rose in battered state
thinking p`raps I might be late
with twinge and bruise and cut and groan
I staggered off to find a `phone.
They came from work to fetch me in
and noticing my gory skin
decided I required first aid
that treatment shouldn`t be delayed.
Had I then known what lay in store
when that young doctor looked me o`er
the memory still turns me red
for after cleaning up he said
he thought the way to stop infection
would be a tetanus injection.
Then matters went from bad to worse
along with needle came the nurse,
a gorgeous piece with bright red hair,
all I could do was sit and stare.
In readiness I bared my arm,
she looked at me all cool and calm
saying “There are better places,
would you kindly drop your braces?”
Never did I feel so harassed,
never was I so embarrassed
, and if again I should break down
I think I`d rather leave the town
Than face that red haired nurse once more
my pants a drooping on the floor.

Jaycee c

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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