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Stories & Scripts

Short stories, and scripts, are ideal for a lunch-time nibble, or bed-time unwind. Writers may have submitted a book chapter by chapter - in which case you may find random samples of the chapters appearing below.

Sample of work from Stories & Scripts New Sample See new sample

Ref Title Author
SS-2801 Luminaries Ann Marie Saarelainen-Simard
SS-6198 Torture. John Michaelson
SS-6948 In response to your Christmas boast letter John Michaelson
SS-6929 PRIVATE DICKS Charles Berridge
SS-3552 Are our Home Office Ministers smoking something illegal? Stuart Johnson
SS-7809 Shed no Tears. Barry Gee
SS-3751 All So Deplorable ( Part 2 ) Stuart Johnson
SS-5328 Azrael and Eleanor Bird heart
SS-7692 1954 (Chapter 3) Barry Gee
SS-7832 Family Funeral 3 joan crawford
SS-5597 ARTHUR - chapter 1 - VISIT - part 1 genio
SS-6036 With a bit of luck Eve Becker
SS-4842 King for a Day . jonny graham
SS-6052 Not Another Cookery Book (2) Barry Gee
SS-4217 Harvest of Oranges Penny Graham
SS-3622 Left To Chance carl smith
SS-2362 De-Briefing Lloyd Williams
SS-4412 A Meal to Remember. Barry Gee
SS-7170 Two of Swords Hugh Hazelton
SS-7864 The Silence of the Dragons Part IV (End) Hugh Hazelton
SS-5908 An Afternoon with Tonda. (Complete Rewrite) Part III Hugh Hazelton
SS-6418 Eat, mister John Michaelson
SS-6844 The Anomaly Darren Nicholson
SS-4921 Nine Days Stuart Johnson
SS-2799 Glub and Dagwood: part 1. Jan Miklaszewicz

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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