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You will find poetry of all forms below.
From haikus to sonnets.
Profound or flippant.
Emotive, raw, humorous, fun.
No rules.

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Ref Title Author
Po-723 Floundering Charles Moore
Po-2923 The Long Goodbye Tanya Withers
Po-3934 The Big Exam Laura Watson
Po-4693 FemaleTrinity Reminiscing . jonny graham
Po-6711 Sybil and Potatoe Joe Karen Burris
Po-6857 Home truths John Michaelson
Po-343 Have You Seen Where The River Forks? Emma Bryant
Po-4829 Squawk . jonny graham
Po-5008 Alienated by Predatory Hollywood Stuart Johnson
Po-5031 Art....my arse! matthew newman
Po-6484 Research Facility. jonny graham
Po-7461 Dreaming of great escapes Douglas Munday
Po-6095 The Robber Baron Douglas Munday
Po-5103 Purple-leaved orange disease Mike Lucas
Po-6962 Write me a poem Douglas Munday
Po-4841 A Petition to send Ann Coulter to the Guillotine Stuart Johnson
Po-4334 Celebrity Supermodel Countdown Conundrums on Ice Stuart Johnson
Po-6073 The Doppelganger Rhona Aitken
Po-2019 Freedom Carl Glover
Po-4859 Oxidation . jonny graham
Po-7078 Bloodthirsty Tear Stephen Atkinson
Po-7718 Drugs Rosie Smith
Po-4675 Home on the range where fear and the antidote play Wendy White
Po-7225 Election fever Douglas Munday
Po-4368 Is bloggin the same as braggin? Wendy white

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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